Saturday, December 9, 2017

backpacker beach town

December 2-3, 2017

We decided to visit a beach town we enjoy - Mui Ne.  We arrived Friday night via a personal driver.  We usually stay with a couple who have become friends and they own Grace Boutique hotel.  They have decided on building an addition and to our disappointment were not yet ready to open for business.  We found a different location - elegant and not busy but it is no Grace.

The best part of our spacious room was the shower room.  It was the size of regular room, including a garden and it was au plien air.

Saturday afternoon we went into the town and Frank decided we should drop in on our friends at Grace.  It is not my style.  As we entered the gate, we saw them sitting on their patio.  I sheepishly stood behind Frank and when they saw us they were thrilled and genuinely delighted to see us.  We got a tour of the renovations and invited to sit and visit.  They then insisted on sharing their Christmas bottle of wine - and we watched the sun set.  
The next morning before heading home, we again went into town since the hotel where we were staying served horrible coffee.  Found a great coffee spot and watched the surfer dudes cruising the strip.

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